Thursday, July 30, 2009


Not that you were holding your breath or anything....but I'm better now. I still like my house. I still think it is silly we're spending so much time and money on it. But I'm ok with how things are and the path we've chosen. The kitchen floor is done, the house is put back together, my husband has pampered me, and I can now cook in my kitchen again. Life isn't so bad.


Tomaso Ritchie said...

Glad you made it through your breakdown. haha. I was hoping you wouldn't give up. And as for it being a waste of money that could go somewhere better, I think raising the value of your home is a good way to steward the money God has given you. It's better than living in a dump and keeping it a dump. So keep up the good work, your time to be in Honduras(or Africa, Sara and I may be moving in 2011, you and Bob are invited!!) will come.