Friday, January 23, 2009

You will not beat me, MN

Yesterday, I strapped on my running shoes, put on a long sleeve shirt and some light gloves, and headed out the door into the sunshine. It was a balmy 26 degrees, and in my mind that translated to my first chance to run outside in three or so months. I snickered at the thought of the treadmill sitting inside the massive Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center, pointlessly spinning its track, never getting anywhere. I stepped into the snow and prayed the trail near my house was well-groomed.

The run was glorious. Slow and at times slippery, yes, but the sun was beaming down and I was free and not cold. The snow was well packed beneath my feet, making a surface very similar to wet sand on the beach. I followed the snow plow for a while as it completed some touch-ups on the trail. I saw a bunch of bright red cardinals seemingly having a cardinal convention in one lucky bush. I followed Cascade Creek down its winding path, amused by the alternating patches of running water and frozen ice. I got attacked by a large, slobbery, yet friendly black Labrador that managed to shed both its collar and owner in its excitement over me. I stood on the picturesque bridge crossing the creek for a break, marveling at how the creek seemed to be frozen solid for 100 yards, then gush it found an opening, spilling out in crystal clear waterfalls.

Love it.

The temperatures drop again today, hurting my lungs too much to tolerate being outside for long. So back to the Healthy Dan I go, waiting rather impatiently for the sun to come out so I can be free once again.


Nathan Holland said...

I'm glad you can enjoy running in the cold. My lungs can't even take it when it's hot.

Jennifer said...

Beautiful writing, my dear! I'm glad you got a good day to run.